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The first time someone sees a Nupur Tree ( jacaranda tree ), they may think they’ve spied something out of a fairy tale. This lovely tree often spans the width of a front yard, and is covered in beautiful lavender purple blooms every spring.
Nupur or Jacaranda represents wisdom, rebirth, wealth and good luck. Legend says if the flower falls on your head, it means good fortune for you.
Also known as the Royal Poinciana, the royal flame tree, the peacock tree and scientifically called Delonix regia, this is a unique flower. Its bright crimson flowers adorn many beautiful gardens in the tropics and subtropics.
It is a large spreading and somewhat umbrella shaped tree with light, feathery, typical bipinnate leaves. The flow
Also known as the Royal Poinciana, the royal flame tree, the peacock tree and scientifically called Delonix regia, this is a unique flower. Its bright crimson flowers adorn many beautiful gardens in the tropics and subtropics.
It is a large spreading and somewhat umbrella shaped tree with light, feathery, typical bipinnate leaves. The flowers are borne in large masses covering the whole tree. The flower color may be light orange, or deep scarlet and various intermediate shades.
Kachnar is the local Indian name for a variety of medium size deciduous trees of the Bauhinieae plant family found in Haryana. The botanical name of Kachnar being bauhinia. The Kachnar tree is also known by local names like Karal, Kanalla, Kandla, etc. It is an ornamental tree with drooping branches. It produces a rich harvest of mauve an
Kachnar is the local Indian name for a variety of medium size deciduous trees of the Bauhinieae plant family found in Haryana. The botanical name of Kachnar being bauhinia. The Kachnar tree is also known by local names like Karal, Kanalla, Kandla, etc. It is an ornamental tree with drooping branches. It produces a rich harvest of mauve and white blossoms, which resemble orchid flowers, in February-March.
Cassia fistula popularly know 'Amaltas' or 'Golden shower tree' dots the sky during peak of summers starting from mid-May to mid-June and even beyond in this region of sub tropical plains of North India. It gives profuse flowering which complements the blue colour of the sky and gives a soothing summerish effect to the onlooker.
The tree h
Cassia fistula popularly know 'Amaltas' or 'Golden shower tree' dots the sky during peak of summers starting from mid-May to mid-June and even beyond in this region of sub tropical plains of North India. It gives profuse flowering which complements the blue colour of the sky and gives a soothing summerish effect to the onlooker.
The tree has a mention in the ancient epic Ramayana as well. It was found growing near the hermitage of the sage Matanga. It was also mentioned in the epic Mahabharata, as being found in abundance near Kushika country. It’s known as aragvadha — disease killer in ayurveda
Pride of India is one of the most spectacular flowering trees in the world. Also one of the most outstanding summer bloomersLagerstroemia flosreginae. The tree is also the state tree of Maharashtra. This tree is also known as Queen Crape Myrtle in English, in Hindi it is known as Jarul and in Marathi known as Tamhan. It is a fast-growing,
Pride of India is one of the most spectacular flowering trees in the world. Also one of the most outstanding summer bloomersLagerstroemia flosreginae. The tree is also the state tree of Maharashtra. This tree is also known as Queen Crape Myrtle in English, in Hindi it is known as Jarul and in Marathi known as Tamhan. It is a fast-growing, almost evergreen, moderate-sized species which has many uses to its name.
This tree is said to have been used as the tree for achieved enlightenment, or Bodhi by the eleventh Lord Buddha. Native to India, the Crape Myrtle is an upright or large shrub of a stature that can be single or multi-stemmed. The trees are mostly grown in avenues and gardens for its beautiful flowers which won’t wither for months. In full bloom, the pale greens and variegated clusters of beautiful flowers stand out as a relief against the dense darkness of the cement jungle.
Pink Trumpet Tree is a semi-evergreen tree that grows 20-30 feet tall with a gray fissured trunk and palmately-lobed leaves divided into as many as seven leaflets radiating outward. The pink trumpet flowers have a white throat with yellow stripes and blooms in large clusters in the spring just before the new foliage emerges. The tree also
Pink Trumpet Tree is a semi-evergreen tree that grows 20-30 feet tall with a gray fissured trunk and palmately-lobed leaves divided into as many as seven leaflets radiating outward. The pink trumpet flowers have a white throat with yellow stripes and blooms in large clusters in the spring just before the new foliage emerges. The tree also has a very valuable timber. With its impressive flowering display, the tree is often cultivated as an ornamental plant in the tropical world. Pink Trumpet Tree is native to S. America - from Argentina north through Central America to Mexico. With its leafless crown studded with thousands of vivid pink, trumpet-shaped flowers—bursting into spectacular bloom during March and April in Southern California—the pink trumpet tree makes an indelible first impression. Its eye-catching flowers are short-lived, but they are replaced by a crown of palmate compound leaves, each with five to six dark green leaflets, providing welcome shade in late spring and summer. The deciduous tree drops its leaves during fall and winter, in preparation for its next spectacular springtime flower show.
Nupur or Jacaranda is One of the most beautiful spring flowering Trees in India.
Nupur is One of the most beautiful spring flowering Trees in India.
It blossoms in month of April or May after the bare Branches of this briefly deciduous tree begin sprouting growth.
The first time someone sees a Nupur Tree, they make think they have spied something out of a fairy tale.
This lovely tree often spans the width of a front yard, and is covered in beautiful lavender purple blooms every spring.
It is also known as the Jacaranda, Blue Jacaranda, Black Poui, Fern tree, Nupur Vriksha, Neel Mohar or Neeli Gulmohar.
It's Botanical/Binomial Name is Jacaranda mimosifolia. It is extensively grown in Southern USA, Australia, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Africa and India.
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1. The bark and roots of this species are used to treat syphilis.
1. The bark and roots of this species are used to treat syphilis.1. The bark and roots of this species are used to treat syphilis.
2. Infusions of the flowers are used to treat amoebic dysentery in Guatemala and Mexico.
3. Flowers, leaves and bark are administered for the treatment of Neuralgia and Varicose Veins and generally against infections.
4. The tree is used to treat hepatitis.
In folk tradition the flowers, leaves and bark are used to ease neuralgia and varicose veins.
5. Hot Jacaranda leaf baths treat wounds and skin infections.
6. Tree also helps in the treatment of acne.
7. Teaspoon of juice obtained from the leaves of Nupur Or Jacaranda mimosifolia cures health problems associated with venereal diseases.
8. Leaf extract or juice can also be applied externally for relief from sores or ulcers caused by venereal diseases.
9. Infusion can be used internally for relief from syphilitic sores.
10. Volatile oil obtained from Nupur Or Jacaranda leaves and bark has been found to be effective in the treatment of buboes.
11. It has been used as a natural remedy for treating bacterial infections, gonorrhea, syphilis and leukemia.
12. It is also used to treat neuralgia, varicose veins, acne, treat wounds and skin infections.
Other facts
Timber of Nupur or Jacaranda is used for interior carpentry and poles and to make small items such as tool handles and carvings.
It is also used for fuel.
Nupur Or Jacaranda provides pleasant open shade and is an effective windbreak, but is most widely planted as an ornamental.
Bark extracts are also used to suppress the hatching of larval soil nematodes.
Jacaranda or Nupur is used as bee forage and is an excellent source of nectar for African honey bees in Ethiopia.
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